Getting Started!
Integrating Llama 3.3-70B into Minerva Messenger MPG Single Sign-On (SSO) integration into Minerva Messenger How can I use ChatGPT in Minerva Messenger? Why Minerva Messenger? About
How do I clear the cache in the Mattermost app and in browsers? Can I bridge messages between Minerva Messenger and other messenger tools? What can I do when I get the error "session expired" or "limit exceeded"? My institute already has our own Mattermost instance. Can we migrate the data to Minerva Messenger and keep the existing data? Which formats are supported for viewing media? My account has been deactivated. What can I do? Can I change the email address for my account? How can I enable Collapsed Reply Threads (Beta) for my account? How can I adjust my Notification Requirements? Can I customize my sidebar? Is there a limit to either the number of attachments or file size per post? Can I log in via Single Sign-on? Zoom Plugin - How can I resolve the error message: Invalid meeting ID. (-1)? Zoom Plugin - How can I start a Zoom meeting via Minerva Messenger? How can I proceed with the migration from Slack to Minerva Messenger and keep the existing data? I can't find a colleague on Minerva Messenger...why?
I can't find a colleague on Minerva Messenger...why? My account has been deactivated. What can I do? How can I proceed with the migration from Slack to Minerva Messenger and keep the existing data? Zoom Plugin - How can I start a Zoom meeting via Minerva Messenger? Zoom Plugin - How can I resolve the error message: Invalid meeting ID. (-1)? Can I log in via Single Sign-on? Is there a limit to either the number of attachments or file size per post? Can I change the email address for my account? Can I customize my sidebar? How can I adjust my Notification Requirements? How can I enable Collapsed Reply Threads (Beta) for my account? Which formats are supported for viewing media? My institute already has our own Mattermost instance. Can we migrate the data to Minerva Messenger and keep the existing data? What can I do when I get the error "session expired" or "limit exceeded"? Can I bridge messages between Minerva Messenger and other messenger tools? How do I clear the cache in the Mattermost app and in browsers?
Export and Delete Plugin (v1.4.1) FAQ about ChatGPT (BETA) Summary - Minerva Messenger Plugins End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) Plugin Optional Zoom Plugin v1.6.1 (user-level app)
Release Notes
2024-03-08: Changes to the ChatGPT (Beta) implementation in Minerva Messenger 2022-11-17: New features released with the server upgrade to v7.1.4: Voice Messaging Plugin 2022-10-18: Server upgrade to Mattermost v.7.1.3; Various plusins updated 2022-07-28: New features released with the server upgrade to v7.1.2: Voice Calling and Screen Sharing 2022-05-17: New features released with the server upgrade to v6.3.8: End-to-End Encryption plugin, Zoom & BBB plugins updated
2021-10-05: Server upgrade to Mattermost v5.37; BBB plugin upgrade to v4.1.0 2022-01-10: Integration of third party plugins: GitLab; BBB plugin upgrade to v4.3.0; Server upgrade to Mattermost v5.37.5; 2022-01-24: Server upgrade to Mattermost v5.37.6 2022-03-07: New features released with the server upgrade to v6.3.3: Boards & Playbooks; GitLab & Todo plugins updated 2022-05-17: New features released with the server upgrade to v6.3.8: End-to-End Encryption plugin, Zoom & BBB plugins updated